Featured Artist Coalition
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with Featured Artist CoalitionThe Featured Artists Coalition (FAC) was founded in 2009 to support, promote and protect the artist community in the music industry.
The FAC nurtures a community of artists and provides support, advice and education in order to empower artist entrepreneurs in the ever evolving music industry. This includes running workshops, mentoring and networking sessions for our members.
The FAC nurtures, develops, informs and defends these artists. We are the ’go-to’ home for support, answers and direction. We raise the artists’ voice and concerns to trade, national and international policy makers & legislature; ensuring that the artists are ‘at the table’ and recognised at the heart of music business.
The FAC board includes: Imogen Heap (CEO), Annie Lennox, Ed O’Brien (Radiohead), Fran Healy (Travis), Hal Ritson (The Young Punx), Howard Jones, Jeremy Pritchard (Everything Everything), Kate Nash, Katie Melua, Lucy Pullin, Master Shortie, Nick Mason (Pink Floyd), Paul Pacifico (Pacifico Blues), Roxanne de Bastion, Rumer, Sam Lee, Sandie Shaw.
As music and technology evolve, the FAC considers emerging forms of creative expression and new and innovative ways for artists to earn a living from what they do. The FAC works positively with the technology sector to stand up for the artist’s position while identifying solutions and opportunities to enhance the options available to artists.
*Featured artists are named artists on recordings, whether solo artists or members of a band. These are the recorded artists who do the deals and are credited on the record. They are often writers of the songs they perform and as independents, can manage a range of skills from production to songwriting and promotion.*