Introduction - Learning the Language of Improvisation

Zach discussues freeing yourself from the page and learning the language of improvisation. He explains that if you started learning by ear, or through the Suzuki method, you may already have the instinct for improvisation, you just need to recall it!
Don't forget to join this course's exclusive facebook group - Improvise & Groove on Strings - where you can post about your improvisation journey, and get more inspiration, insight & advice.
Also download the course PDF, to get more guidance about how to get the most out of the course.
Zach has also put together a spotify playlist full of inspirational improvising string playering. Check it out here.
Course preview
This lesson is part of the course Learn Improvisation on Violin with Zach Brock & Snarky PuppyWatch a preview of the full course below.
About the instructor
Heralded as “the pre-eminent improvising violinist of his generation,” Zach Brock is an violinist and composer whose music draws on the traditions of jazz, classical, world, and popular music. Zach received his first Grammy Award in 2017 for his work on Snarky Puppy’s album Culcha Vulcha. His acclaim as a bandleader has grown through appearances at venues such as Carnegie Hall and festivals like “Tudo é Jazz” in Brazil, while his reputation as a sideman has... read more